Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to school

Well, since it's almost time for me to go back to school, I should probably post about the kids' first day back before all my homework causes me to be MIA.

For those of you fortunate enough to live in the blistering heat of AZ., you get to send your kids back to school at the beginning of August-Wahoo!!

So here they are-all ready to go on their first day.

Sophee & Audree: Sophee is now in 1st grade. At the end of the school year last year she asked me if she could be in her same teacher's class for 1st grade. She was a little disappointed when I told her that she couldn't, and that everyone gets a new teacher every time they move up a grade. Weeeeeellll, come to find out, her teacher ended up moving up a grade, and she get's to be in her class. Sophee was super excited. Especially since this teacher is soooo awesome with the kids.

Audree is a big 2nd grader now, and as I walked the girls to their classrooms the first day, she quickly bounded off to her class without the need of me :-(. Sophee, on the other hand, asked me if I could stay in her classroom with her all day.
Next, we have the ever cool Jr. High student, Kaylee:
Kaylee is in the 7th grade this year. She is super thrilled not to have PE on her schedule (for this quarter anyway). She is in advanced band, and honors language arts, and seems to be enjoying all of the 'socializing' she gets to do.
And last, but not least, Josh:

Josh started High School this year. I can't believe my baby boy is in High School. I'm getting old.
So far things seem to be going great for him. All the Special Education kids get to 'work' in the cafeteria to earn a free breakfast. Josh is thrilled with the idea that he now has 2 jobs-one at the High School, and one at the Tire Store. He is also thrilled to be able to take PE again-as they have an adapted class for the SP.ED. kids. Through out high school he will get the opportunity to learn more life skills-like cooking, doing laundry, etc. He keeps telling me and Kory, "I'm going to learn to cook dinner for you guys". Boy, that would be heaven!!
Anyway, there you have it. I will be starting my '3rd year as a Sophomore' (as Kory puts it) next week. In march I will put in my application for the Dental Hygiene program. Wish me luck!!


Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

How fun! A nice, quiet house to yourself!

*Sigh* I still have three years.

Good luck on the Dental Hygiene program!

Mom said...

YAY FOR SCHOOL!!! :-D The kids all look so cute...can't wait to see everyone again!