Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Chicken soft tacos

This is the next recipe for the "Meals for Mom's like Me Monday" segment. Better late than never. I must give credit where credit is due. This recipe actually came from my sister, Erika.
When she was down visiting over New Year's I had planned a taco night. She asked me if we were having beef or chicken tacos. I was a little stumped. I've never made chicken tacos before. Sure, I've had them at taco bell before, but I never thought of making them at home. For the last 14 years I've been using ground beef. Boy, what a boring life. So, she told me how she makes hers and we quickly changed our plans that night and had chicken tacos.

Start out by cubing up as much chicken breast as you think your family will eat. Drizzle a little olive oil in a pan, and throw your chicken in. Then sprinkle garlic salt lightly over all the chicken pieces and stir. Cook over high heat until chicken is done.
Next, heat up some flour tortillas then add your chicken and favorite taco toppings. I used lettuce, cheddar cheese, tomato, sour cream and avocado. Yum Yum.

Roll up your tortilla and enjoy. I usually slice it in half for my kids-it's easier for them to pick up.
Notice how there's nothing else on the plate? I'm so not fancy. Usually, in a dinner plate picture someone would surely add a couple of fancy side dishes. Not me. What goes with tacos? You already have the veggies inside. I guess you could add some fruit. I don't know.
So there you go. Super easy, super fast, super good.


Rob and Shannon LaFontaine said...

Funny...I was planning to make tacos tonight and although I have made chicken tacos before, I was planning to use ground beef. I think I will do chicken instead. That sounds so much better! Thanks Andrea!

Emily and John said...

Thanks for sharing! I am always a sucker for easy dinner recipes! :)
Yeah, I think fruit would make a good side. Cause I think the same way you do, the veggies are already in there. ;)

Shan said...

That sounds fantastic!! I can guarantee I will be making those this week!! Thanks a ton for sharing!!

Ava Nielson said...

Yum! Looks great! How are you guys doing?? I found you on Lawana's Blog! Hope your good!